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Name and Title | Contact | Teaching Locations |
Leann Adkins Administration and Business Office |
423-417-8328 leann.adkins@tcatjacksboro.edu |
John Branam Project Coordinator |
423-417-8458 Johnny.Branam@tbr.edu |
Elizabeth Brooks Pharmacy Technology Instructor |
423-417-8384 Elizabeth.Brooks@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Jill Browning Practical Nursing Assistant |
423-417-8375 Jill.Browning@tbr.edu |
Charles Clair Automotive Technology Master Instructor |
423-417-8408 charles.clair@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Christopher Demott Emergency Medical Technology Instructor |
423-417-8368 christopher.demott@tbr.edu |
Brian Ferguson Machine Tool Technology Instructor |
423-417-8407 brian.ferguson@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Camilla Gambrel Counselor |
423-417-8365 camilla.gambrel@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Chris Goodman Building Construction Technology Instructor |
423-417-8399 Christopher.goodman@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Paige Graves Practical Nursing Instructor |
423-417-8377 kennadee.graves@tbr.edu |
Michael Harmon Heating, Vent, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Instructor |
423-417-8385 michael.harmon@tcatjacksboro.edu |
April Harmon Administration and Business Office |
423-417-8294 april.harmon@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Adam Hatmaker Power Sports Technology Instructor |
423-417-8437 adam.hatmaker@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Connie Hubbard Practical Nursing Instructor |
423-417-8378 connie.hubbard@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Robert Ivey Facilities Maintenance |
423-417-8392 Robert.Ivey@tbr.edu |
Sean Kelly CIT Instructor/Network Administration |
423-417-8439 Sean.Kelly@tcatjacksoro.edu |
Britch Kennedy Welding Instructor |
423-417-8438 britch.kennedy@tbr.edu |
Jeremiah Leinart IT Support Specialist |
423-203-1979 jeremiah.leinart@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Donald Lindsay Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Electricity Instructor |
423-417-8389 Donald.Lindsay@tbr.edu |
John Long Criminal Justice: Correctional Officer Instructor |
423-203-1966 john.long@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Andrew McLean Machine Tool Assistant |
423-417-8447 Andrew.McLean@tbr.edu |
Tiffany Medley Practical Nursing Coordinator |
423-417-8456 tiffany.medley@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Teresa Nelson Cosmetology Instructor |
423-417-8381 teresa.nelson@tcatjackboro.edu |
David Paul Operations Maintenance |
423-417-8387 david.paul@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Andrew Petree Facilities Maintenance |
423-417-8452 Andrew.Petree@tbr.edu |
Debbie Petree President |
423-417-8107 debbie.petree@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Teresa Phillips Automotive Technology Assistant |
423-417-8409 Teresa.Phillips@tbr.edu |
Chandy Rogers Administrative Office Technology and Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Master Instructor |
423-417-8380 chandy.rogers@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Carley Shinlever Associate Instructor, Practical Nursing |
(423)-203-1954 carley.shinlever@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Tim Smith Vice President of College and Student Affairs |
423-417-8135 tim.smith@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Jada Stanley Financial Aid |
423-417-8366 jada.stanley@tbr.edu |
Barbara Wallace Technology Foundations and Test Proctor |
423-417-8373 barbara.wallace@tcatjacksboro.edu |
Laurie Woods Student Services |
423-417-8340 laurie.woods@tcatjacksboro.edu |