Emergency Medical Technology


The Emergency Medical Technology Program is designed to provide basic and advanced training for emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system.  Emergency Medical Technicians function as a part of a comprehensive Emergency Medical System response, under medical oversight.  EMTs perform interventions with the basic equipment found on an ambulance. 


The EMT Class schedule for 2025 can be found here:


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time
Typical Program Length 8 Months
Clock Hours 772
Class Type Day
Credentials Certificate
Total Tuition/Fees $2,751.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $2,127.00

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Basic Emergency Medical Technician432Certificate
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician772Certificate

Campus Locations

Main Campus
265 Elkins Rd
Jacksboro, TN 37757


First Trimester: 
Worker Characteristic
Foundations of EMS
Airway Mgmt. Rasp & Art if Vent
Patient Assessment
Medical Emergencies
Trauma Emergencies
Special Populations I
EMS Operations
Clinical I
Second Trimester: 
Worker Characteristic
Prep for Advanced EMT Practice
Human Dev Health and Disease
Assessment & Init Assessment
Medical Emergencies
Trauma Emergencies
Special Populations II
Rescue and Special Operations
Clinical II

Books and Supplies Lists


Alison Jeffers

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